Well the term being under is just something people say, during hypnosis you're not actually under anything!
Everyone experiences hypnosis slightly differently it's unique for each individual person.
What people are typically referring to is just being in hypnosis when they make that statement.
Ann-Marie Johansen, Owner/Hypnotheapist
What being in hypnosis feels like and how you know when you have reached this state, can vary.
There may be some external indicators that a few people experience such as slower deeper breathing, muscle twitching, eyes flickering, a physical heaviness or lightness.
There are others, but for the most part the person being hypnotized can feel however they feel. You may feel a deep sense of relaxation, you may feel a heightened sense of awareness and be hyper aware of all the sounds around you, you may zone out completely and lose focus on everything for a time almost like when daydreaming or drifting off to sleep, or you may just have the absolutely amazing sensation that you're just sitting in a chair listening to someone talk to you.
Hypnosis is a natural state that we all enter into multiple times throughout the day. There are some people that say we're always in a state of hypnosis, and a Hypnotherapist just takes you to a slightly different state of hypnosis that's more productive.
Either way, the term under is not accurate as you are not under anything. No one is controlling you.
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(source: heart online.org)
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